Wabu APIs
Wabu offers a set of APIs that allow you to interact with each of the instances that are active.
Each instace can be associated with a single WhatsApp number and its onteraction and functions are independent from the rest of the instances that the account could have.
Each instance has an API key that can be found in the section "My Instances", wich must be sent in each call to an API to be autehenticated.
Wabu Web Hooks
Wabu automatically, every time it receives a WhatsApp message in an active instance, it sends a POST request to the Webhook indicated in the instance.
Each Webhook must be public over the internet and preferably through HTTPS
The format of the Request that WABU sends is like:
Containing the following fields:
Parameter | Value |
id | Alphanumeric value that contains a unique value for each message received. |
phone |
Sender's WhatsApp number.
Note: This field contains the country code concatenated to the phone number. |
message |
Message content in clear text.
Note: In case of receiving an audio, WABU automatically transcribes the text and a second request will be obtained with the corresponding text in the "message" attribute. |
html |
Message content in HTML format to be directly viewed on any WEB software or browser
Note: In case of receiving an audio, image or video, this field will have the necessary html tags to view it correctly in any web browser. |
url | In case of receiving a multimedia message, this field contains the URL from where the sent file can be downloaded. |
tipo | it contains information on the type of message received, wich can be this: Conversation, Audio, Image or Video. |
instancia | Name of the instance where the message was received. |
Getting Conversations
In order to reive the lastest WhatsApp conversations from a certain instance, a request must be made with the GET method to the following end-point:
Wabu's response will be a JSON object with the requested information.
The parameter "numero_conversaciones" indicates the number of conversations you want to request.
The parameter "apiKey" it is the one corresponding to the Instance from where you want to send the message.
The following PHP example shows how to get the last 50 conversations of an Instance:
//TO DO: asignar el valor correcto a la variable $apiKey
$conversaciones = file_get_contents("https://wabu.app/conversations/50/".$apiKey);
$resultado = json_decode($conversaciones, true);
Getting messages
In order to receive the last messages of a WhatsApp conversation from a certain Instance, a request must be made with the GET method to the following end-point:
Wabu's response will be a JSON object with the requested information.
The parameter "jid"is the WhatsApp user identifier, it must have the following format:
in case of being a contact or
in case of being a group conversation
[email protected]
for a contact
[email protected]
for a group
The parameter "numero_mensajes" indicates the number of messages to be requested.
The parameter "apiKey" it is the one corresponding to the Instance from where you want to send the message.
The following PHP example shows how to get the last 100 messages from a conversation:
//TO DO: asignar el valor correcto a la variable $apiKey
$jid = '[email protected]';
$mensajes = file_get_contents("https://wabu.app/messages/".$jid."/100/".$apiKey);
$resultado = json_decode($conversaciones, true);
Sending text
In order to send a Text message to a WhatsApp number through a specific Instance, a request must be made with the POST method to the following end-point:
containing the following fields with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameter | Value |
phone | WhatsApp contact number, this must include the country code. For example: 59170000000 |
data | Content of the message to be sent |
apiKey | Value of the apiKey of the instance from where you want to send the message. |
The following PHP example shows how to send a text message:
//TO DO: asignar el valor correcto a la variable $apiKey
$url = "https://wabu.app/send";
$data = array(
'phone' => '59170000000',
'data' => 'Mensaje de Prueba enviado desde la API de Wabu',
'apiKey' => $apiKey
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query($data)
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
Sending Audio
In order to send an Audio message to a WhatsApp number through a specific instance, a request must be made with the POST method to the following end-point:
containing the following fields with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameter | Value |
phone | WhatsApp contact number, this must include the country code. For example: 59170000000 |
data | URL to an audio file, it can be in MP3, OGG, WAV format |
apiKey | Value of the apiKey of the instance from where you want to send the message. |
The following PHP example shows how to send a text message:
//TO DO: asignar el valor correcto a la variable $apiKey
$url = "https://wabu.app/sendAudio";
$data = array(
'phone' => '59170000000',
'data' => 'http://ejemplo.com/url_audio.mp3',
'apiKey' => $apiKey
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query($data)
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
Sending Images
In order to send an Image message to a WhatsApp number through a specific instance, a request must be made with the POST method to the following end-point:
containing the following fields with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameter | Value |
phone | WhatsApp contact number, this must include the country code. For example: 59170000000 |
data | URL to a file of type Image |
apiKey | Value of the apiKey of the instance from where you want to send the message. |
The following PHP example shows how to send a text message:
//TO DO: asignar el valor correcto a la variable $apiKey
$url = "https://wabu.app/sendAudio";
$data = array(
'phone' => '59170000000',
'data' => 'http://ejemplo.com/url_imagen.jpg',
'apiKey' => $apiKey
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query($data)
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);